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MakingChange Seeks AmeriCorps Volunteer

MakingChange, a nonprofit in Howard County which empowers individuals and families to achieve financial stability, is seeking a volunteer coordinator through the Volunteer Maryland AmeriCorps program.  The position involves recruiting 55 volunteers to prepare taxes and serve as financial coaches and financial seminar presenters.

In addition, the Volunteer Maryland Coordinator will develop a full array of volunteer program materials for MakingChange, including a policies and procedures manual, volunteer applications, a volunteer recruitment plan, volunteer screening materials and a volunteer recognition plan.

The volunteer coordinator will serve 11 months as a member of AmeriCorps, often called the “domestic Peace Corps.” The service year begins Sept. 14, and includes extensive training, a $13,250 living allowance, and a $5,775 post-service education award. The program is a partnership between MakingChange and Volunteer Maryland, a program of the Governor’s Office.

To learn more about this position and download an application, visit

Applications must be received by July 8.

For further information about MakingChange, visit

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