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CA Rep’s Corner: September 2014

Dear Harper’s Choice Residents,

It’s been a quiet summer in Lake Wobegon…I mean The Columbia Association.

  1. On September 18, we had an informative presentation on New Town Zoning conducted by CA staff, led by our Harper’s Choice neighbor Jane Dembner, with the support of Marsha McLaughlin and Bill Mackey from the County’s Department of Planning and Zoning. In the coming year(s), the County will be embarking on a review of New Town Zoning and CA is an important player in the process, as are the various village associations,Please stay tuned for more information and please do avail yourselves of the opportunities you will have both to learn more about the issues involved and to have your voice heard.

  2. The Board is pushing hard to get residents the ability to design, build, and purchase memberships to CA online. This represents a significant advance in the process and will add new ways for residents to manage their CA memberships.

  3. Finally, please hold your calendar for October 18th, from 9:30am-noon, for “Columbia Talks; CA Listens”, to be held at the Wilde Lake Interfaith Center. The event is free, but reservations are encouraged so we know how many to plan for. You can register at specific topics to be discussed are still being worked out, and you can submit your ideas as part of your registration at the website above.The event will be facilitated by Don Edwards, with whom I have worked several times on large scale community events in the DC area and in whom I have complete confidence.Please come if you can!

Alan Klein Columbia Council Representative Village of Harper’s Choice 410-992-3025

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