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Covenant Q&A

We recently replaced our windows and siding and were told that we had to submit an application for approval. The color will not change and the finished product will look the same; why must we apply?

An application is required for most changes to the exterior of your home. We keep a permanent lot file for each property with all of the applications for changes and compliance letters that may have been requested. In order to receive a compliance letter when you sell your home certifying that the home is free and clear of any covenant issues, you will need to have an approved application on file for most changes. If you have questions about exterior alterations or compliance issues, please call the Covenant Advisor at 410-730-0770 or send us an email.

Do I need approval for a vegetable garden?

An application is required for a raised garden bed or a vegetable garden unless all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The garden is located between the rear of the house and the rear property line.

  2. The garden is not visible from adjacent streets.

  3. The garden does not exceed ¼ of the area described in condition a) above.

  4. The garden is not planted on a steep grade (two feet per 100 linear feet).

  5. The garden will not damage property below it through the flow of water onto any adjacent property.

Plant supports must be consistent in size and preferably green or brown to blend with the environment. All plant supports and dead vegetation must be removed at the end of the season and garden maintained. All garden fencing requires approval.

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