Howard County Executive Calvin Ball announced the beginning of the public input process as the County prepares to submit its annual Priority Letter to the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). The Priority Letter will recommend Howard County’s prioritized transportation projects for MDOT’s FY 2020-2025 Consolidated Transportation Program. The letter is due to MDOT this April, and is a result of review and input by County staff from several departments, elected and appointed officials.
The Howard County Office of Transportation will host a public information and input meeting on Tuesday, January 29 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the Columbia/Ellicott Room of the George Howard Building, 3430 Court House Drive in Ellicott City.
Information about the FY 2020 Priority Letter, copies of previous priority letters and more detail is available at www.howardcountymd.gov/Departments/County-Administration/Transportation/Transportation-Projects/Priority-Letter.
Those unable to attend the meeting who would like to submit comments and input into the FY 2020 letter, should contact Mr. David Cookson, Planning Manager with the Office of Transportation, by:
Email at dcookson@howardcountymd.gov, or
Mail to: Howard County Office of Transportation, c/o David Cookson, 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043 by no later than Friday, February 15.
For questions or more information about the FY2020-2025 Priority Letter, contact David Cookson at 410-313-4312 or email dcookson@howardcountymd.gov.