It’s time for our annual Spring Red Ribbon Yard Sale and Shred/eCycle event!
Here is a list of registered streets and a map to help you find them:
WHEN: Saturday, May 6
Participating Streets:
Hesperus Drive
Cedar Lane
Summer Day Lane
Swansfield Rd.
Rock Coast Rd.
Southern Star Terrace
SHRED/eCYCLE: Saturday May 6th, 9AM-1PM at the parking lot between Kahler Hall and the Bain Center. Limit 3 small bags/boxes per person for the Shred Truck. eCycle guidelines are listed below. Minimal fees required for some items.
FREE: Computers, Laptops/Notebooks, Keyboards/Mice/Cables, Monitors, Printers, Scanners, Cell & Regular Phones, Fax & Answering Machines, VCR, Cable Boxes, Stereo Equipment, Battery Back-ups (non-alkaline), TV (less than 26″ – 1st one free)
FEE-BASED: TV 26″ – 40″ ($15), TV larger than 40″ ($25), Console TV ($35)
NOT ACCEPTED: Microwaves, Refrigerators, Washers/Dryers, Toasters, Dishwashers, Household Appliances