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Street Sweeping

Street sweepers are expected to service the following areas through July 14, weather permitting.

Sweeping operations take place from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays.  Sweeping staff does take measures to avoid sweeping a street on its designated trash and recycling collection days.

Central Zone 1:  Academy, Alfalfa, Allnutt, Annabel, Arada, Ballymore East, Ballymore West, Beaufort, Berry Wood, Best Times, Blackwatch, Blounts, Blue Flame, Blue Ribbon, Briaridge, Bright Memory, Bucknell, Byfield, Carpenter, Cashel, Castle Bay, Charolais, Chesapeake, Chris Mar, Clarkson, Cleos, Cortina, Creekside, Creekwood, Deanmar, Duke, Early Morning, Edenton, Ellington, Elmwood, Erin, Flamewood, Fulton Estates, Galway, Garden Walk, Georgetown, Glorious Light, Golden Corn, Golden Seeds, Good Times, Grand Champion, Guilford, Gunston, Hallmark, Harrison, Highgrove, Hitching Post, Holly Loch, Holly Manor, Hooper, Hopkins, Hunting, Iager, Isle of Mann, Isle of Skye, Jeweled Hand, Joan Marie, Johns Hopkins, Judy, Kells, Kilbrougan, Kilkenny, Kondrup, Lairds, Langford, Liberty, Limerick, Loganberry, Long Days, Long View, Longview, Longwood, Lovat, Luster, Maiden, Maple Lawn, Market, Marlow, Meadow Wood, Midtown, Minter, Montell, Montpelier, Moosberger, Morning Light, Morris, Mulberry, Mystic Woods, Newberry, Nicole, Old Columbia, Open Space, Paper, Parchment, Pendulum, Penelope, Pond Field, President, Prestwick, Raven, Rich Lynn, River Clyde, River Oak, Rivers Edge, Rivers View, Roslyn, Rowley, South Trotter, Sandy Creek, Sanner, Santa Lucia, Santa Maria, Severn, Shannon, Silent Dell, Sorgham, Spring, Saint Patrick’s, Stabean, Styer, Surrey, Swing, Syracuse, Tall Pine, Tara, Tawes, Terrace, Tilghman, Timber Creek, Tipperary, Tolling Bells, Trail Creek, Trappe, Villa D’Est, Vista, Wake Forest, Waking Dreams, Walnut Creek, Walter Scott, Water, Westside, Woodscape.

Central Zone 2:  April Day, Barrow Downs, Battersea, Beatrice, Beaverkill, Billingsgate, Blacksmith, Broken Oak, Buckleberry, Cedar, Celestial, Cricket Hollow, Driftwood, Eight Bells, Eliot’s Oak, Endicott, Endymion, Evangeline, Even Star, Fallriver, Gerfalcon, Grand Banks, Green Dragon, Harpers Farm, Harvest Moon, Harvest Scene, Heathertoe, Henley, Hesperus, High Hay, Hildebrand, Iron Crown, Iron Pen, Ivy Bush, Killingworth, Lightfoot, Light House, Mad River, Millbank, Mystic, Northern Fences, Oakenshield, Old Tucker, Open Window, Paul Revere, Phantom, Proud Foot, Ravenhill, Rivendell, Rock Coast, Rondel, Round Tower, Rum Cay, Rushlight, Southern Star, Straight Star, Suffield, Summer Day, Swansfield, Thistle Brook, Three Kings, Tooks, Turnabout, Twin Rivers, Two Ships, Watchwood, Wellinghall, Willow Bottom, Windmill, Wineglass, Woodcutter, Wood Elves, Youngtree.

Central Zone 3:  Berrypick, Bishops Head, Bushwood, Castle Moor, Freshaire, Gloucester, Green Dory, Gulf Stream Row, High Tide, Morning Glory, The Bridle Path, Woodenhawk.

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