We frequently take calls from residents wondering who they need to call to address a concern. This handy guide will help.
Is a streetlight on your road out?
Call BGE at 410-685-0123
Is there a dead tree between the curb and sidewalk in front of your home?
This is most likely a County street tree. Call the Howard County Bureau of Highways at 410-313-7450.
Is there a car on your street that is untagged or with expired tags?
Call the Police at 410-313-2200 to report it or report it to village staff with the tag number and location.
Is there a dog off its leash, barking loudly, or acting aggressively?
Call Howard County Animal Control at 410-313-2780
Is your neighbor playing their music too loud or too late at night?
This is a police matter. Call the non-emergency number at 410-313-2200
Is the tot lot damaged or marked with graffiti?
Call the Village office, 410-730-0770 or CA Open Space Management at 410-312-633.