On Saturday, April 26, 2014, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Maryland Chapter will hold a 5K walk beginning at Howard Community College from 9am-1pm.
Please note that the route takes walkers through parts of Harper’s Choice. The directions are as follows:
Columbia 2014 Walk Route
Exit HCC Quad, make a right to walk in front of the RCF and HSB buildings to the traffic circle
Exit College by turning left at the circle and following sidewalk to LPP.
Cross over Little Patuxent Parkway at traffic light. (Police Support)
Make right crossing over Harpers Farm Rd.
Make left on Harpers Farm Rd.
Make right on Twin Rivers Rd.
Cross over Twin Rivers Road at Traffic Signal and make left
Cross all the way over Faulkner Ridge and make right on Faulkner Ridge Circle
Make left at Marble Faun Rd. and follow road to Faulkner Ridge CenterRest Stop- Faulkner Ridge Center (around the back)
Backtrack down road and continue right along Faulkner Circle (remaining on the left side of the sidewalk)
Cross over to the right side of the sidewalk.
Right at Twin Rivers Rd.
Right on Harpers Farm Rd.
After crossing Beaver Kill Rd follow the sidewalk to white railed walking bridge
Cross over bridge to follow Cedar Ln. (Turn left off bridge at Cedar Ln.)
Left at Little Patuxent Parkway
Right at LPP going back into College (Police Support)
Continue straight to walk in front of RCF and HSB buildings to re-enter the Quad.
For more information about Walk MS 2014, please visit: http://walkmdm.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?fr_id=22503&pg=entry